ARCHIVED: As of Janary 2003 info no longer updatedLinks on this page:Background
Roles: Television
Roles: Film
Audio BooksFor more titles featuring Sam check out the Internet Talking Bookshop, where you can also purchase any that you find. I think Amazon probably offer the most comprehensive selection.
SnippetsSon of the actors Timothy West and Prunella Scales. No relation to Dominic West. Likes photography, travelling, poker and supporting Wimbledon Football Club. Sam can practically always be heard on radio, a couple of recent plays include Shakespeare for the Millennium (Radio 3) and Summoned by Shelves (Radio 4). He was also the narrator for BBC2's Planets series. CufflinksThe Scriptorium comes highly recommended (thanks Sandra!) At last! Another site dedicated to Sam West: Jami's New and Improved Samuel West Page. And it features way more pictures than we have, including one of the highly recommended Over Here! Another Sam West page has popped up here and contains an excellent and informative list of his movie and TV roles. Sunflower girl has produced Hornblower Actors What little is out there, that we can find, is accessible via the cute icon. Came across this lovely photo of Sam on a site featuring work by Andrew Crowley. If you like photography than the rest of the site is worth checking out as well. Contact addressc/o Peters Fraser & DunlopDrury House 34-43 Russell Street LONDON WC2B 5HA |